
Welcome to Blossoms Anew, formally Blooming in NYC! I recently relocated to a new city on the Eastern Seaboard, Providence, Rhode Island. Since moving, I realized that many of the same lessons that I learned in NYC have carried over here and I am continually striving to reach my personal best. Please join me as I continue to grow as a young lady, transplanted to Southern New England.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Don't Set Your Purse on the Floor!"

There's a saying "A purse on the floor is money out the door", but I wonder if that only applies to the financially challenged. Celebrity stylist, June Ambrose obviously has no issue with it. Maybe her money out the door is more like my car payment or even rent payment.

I think I'd have money out the door no matter where I put my purse. Fortunately, I wont have the dirt and germs from a floor on the bottom of my moderately-priced purse. Speaking of, I'm stepping my purse game up this season!
