
Welcome to Blossoms Anew, formally Blooming in NYC! I recently relocated to a new city on the Eastern Seaboard, Providence, Rhode Island. Since moving, I realized that many of the same lessons that I learned in NYC have carried over here and I am continually striving to reach my personal best. Please join me as I continue to grow as a young lady, transplanted to Southern New England.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Locks of Love

I love the makeover show "What Not to Wear"! Not only is it filmed in NYC, but I randomly saw one of the fashion experts, Clinton, in the village one evening. The fashion experts offer great styling advice for all types of body shapes and the hair and make-up transformations are applicable to everyday situations and lifestyles. Unfortunately, after agreeing to accept the makeover challenge some contestants' reluctances emerge.

The most disappointing part of an episode is when a contestant's shallowness becomes exposed
once in the presence of hairstylist, Nick Arrojo. They beg, plead, and cry for him not to cut their shoulder length or longer hair. On the last episode I watched, the complaining contestant told Nick that he could do anything to her hair, except cut it. Another contestant asked what he was thinking and when he said that he wanted to cut her snarly, shoulder length hair to her collar bone she told him that it would be too short and that she would not be able to deal with the difference. After honoring her request he politely reminded her that hair is not a permanent staple and can grow back. Go Nick!

The attachment that women have to their hair is not a new phenomena. Women spend large amounts of money and time on their hair grooming practices. Women of all races and ethnicities seem to strive for the European perception of beautiful hair: straight and long. Some women have been able to break out of those confines and appreciate their natural hair pattern of wavy, curly, or kinky. However, they are still subjected to society's perceptions of hair that is not straight and long.

There are children, men, and women that suffer from long-term medical hair loss due to medical conditions such as alopecia areata and cancer. Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces for financially disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss. This service restores their self-esteem and confidence while enabling them to face their hopes and dreams.

Next time, a "What Not to Wear" dysfunctional style victim whines about cutting their hair, Nick Arrojo should inform them of other's who are not so fortunate and the opportunity to help a worthy cause.

"Are you married?"

Being asked this question more than once in a day gives me an unsettling feeling...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do you smoke?

Watch this short video of an experiment that shows what you are doing to your lungs when you smoke. I must admit, I've dabbled in social smoking since the high school years. The only "fact" that deterred me from smoking was one found at the BODIES exhibit in NYC.

Every cigarette you smoke takes 8-12 minutes off of your life.

Smokers die ten years earlier than the rest of the population.

Monday, October 22, 2007


I heard the words,
Saw his lips moving,
and heard his voice.
It was not the same voice I heard weeks before.
I was on the brink of tears.
It was beautiful!
He read the passage in 38 seconds with NO mistakes!
Overwhelmed with pride and excitement
Our hands met mid air for a congratulation high-five.
His sliver of silver in his eyes and dimpled smile
Showed determination and a promise for great things.
Today, I loved being a teacher :)

Does your career have purpose? Do you feel fulfilled?

Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm Just Not Into You...Right Now.

Okay, we've heard the book and the phrase before, but really... how do you tell someone this? Especially, after kind of leading them on for a while. I must admit, I'm horrible at letting people know things without beating around the bush, or ignoring and not returning phone calls. With this someone, I was into them for a quick moment. However, now I'm not seeing them in my current or future plans. Help, please!

Update: A good friend of mine suggested to one, be open and honest and two, begin Operation Opposite. With this, I do everything in the opposite manner. Thus, when they call instead of pick-up I ignore the call. Already, I was tricked tonight because I deleted a number and when Mr. Man called... I didn't recognize the number with the name. This is going to be hard!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Teaching...teaching...teaching! Over my first two years as a teacher, I have learned so much about myself. During the first year, I learned that I am a planner and that in education it is important to be flexible and adaptable. This year, I am seeing the importance of that lesson more and more everyday. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues have not been able to grasp this concept and are finding themselves quite fed up. So much that, two teachers have already quit this year.

When I first heard the news, I was saddened because both were great additions to the staff. But next, I felt invincible! I had survived longer than those weaklings! I feel that my tenacity and dedication to the movement has carried me through the good times and the very very bad. However, I realized that these qualities make me no better than these other teachers. This mix of emotion reminded me of a time during undergrad where I, too was a quitter. There was a certain activity in which I was participating that conflicted with all things that I valued at the time: my education, family, and personal development. Although I had every intention to finish and continue doing my best in this activity, the conflict it created in my heart made that task unbearable. Upon quitting, I was hurt more by the fact that I had not finished than by the harm that it did to my personal values.

I imagine the two escapees must be feeling similar to how I felt years ago. At this point in my life, I can't think of anything that is worth participating in if it doesn't bring you some type of joy, satisfaction, or self-improvement. Let your passions drive your career!