- Libra Friend's status: Thank you for your birthday wishes!
- Friend's Comment: Thank you for not taking this forthcoming asswhoopin on Saturday around 3:30 personally. I hope we can still be friends and hang out.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Michigan State vs. Michigan Football Banter via Facebook
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Buddy for life?!
Friday, February 19, 2010
"Don't Set Your Purse on the Floor!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Values from Parents
I asked a new friend to tell me about his most favorite memory growing up in another country. I was curious to hear of any cultural differences or learn a little bit more about his upbringing. He said that he had mostly good memories of traveling with his family and spending the Christmas holiday at his grandma’s house. He then started to speak about his father, who passed away a few years back. He said that his father always expected the best from him and his siblings and nothing less. Always excellence. His father instilled that within him to the point where he constantly thinks about how his choices affect this family and strives to be the best to make his family proud and honorable. Hearing my friend talk about his father and the values instilled within him made me take a deeper look at the young man in front of me. It also made me reflect on my own personal values and how I portray them in my everyday life. What values did your parents instill in you that make you who you are today?
For me, I'd say excellence ("Don't do anything half-assed!"), neatness (chores galore), and openly communicating my thoughts and feelings (tantrums didn't get you much in my household). I'm sure there are more, but these would be where I would start. There are also values and traits that my parents have that I haven't necessarily picked up, which could be good and bad. Ha! What values or traits do your parents have that you wish or don't wish to develop?
Written on the eve of two important birthdays. Happy Birthday to my momma & grandma!